If you haven’t heard Defi Kingdom has expanded beyond the Harmony blockchain and is now on the Avalanche! The new kingdom, Crystalvale is the latest expansion of the DFKverse. Whether you’re a Serendale veteran or brand new to the Defi Kingdoms blockchain gaming world, our step by step guide will have you exploring Crystalvale in no time.
May 25th 2022| Mike Humphrey
Table of Contents
What is Defi Kingdoms
Defi Kingdoms (DFK) is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that introduced classic console graphics and RPG style game play to yield farming. Think old-school Final Fantasy crossed with DeFi; complete with NFT heroes that can increase your returns. Launched on August 22, 2021 on the Harmony blockchain, DFK quickly rose to popularity with its high yields and unique reward token that offered in game value above and beyond most other DEX/LP protocols. The utility-driven NFT’s combined with the nostalgic feel have made the game a great success.
With the games growing popularity, the DFK dev team decided it was time to expand beyond the Harmony blockchain, and Partnered with Ava Labs to expand and create Crystalvale. On March 30th 2022 DFK launched Crystalvale on it’s own proprietary sub-net of the Avalanche network. The new DFK chain sub-net commissions Avalanche validators to approve transactions, using $JEWEL (the in game token) for gas fees. The new sub-net infrastructure unlocks new potential for Defi Kingdoms and increases the utility for the in-game $JEWEL token.
Let’s Get Started
This guide has been split up into 2 sections to help you navigate better. The first section, for users who are brand new to Crypto, includes a guide on how to purchase cryptocurrency and it to Avalanche. The second is for users familiar with cryptocurrency and includes a guide on how to transfer funds cross-chain to Avalanche and then move those funds to the DFK Chain. Below are quick links you can use to skip to the relevant portions of the guide for you.
- New to Crypto Users Start Here
- Avalanche Users Start Here
- Non-Avalanche Users (Guide – Bridging to ) – Follow the guide to briding assets and then return to the Avalanche Users Section
If you have played Defi Kingdoms on Harmony, we have a guide on Bridging from Serendale to Crystalvale
New to Crypto Users Start Here
Install Metamask
Metamask is an online crypto wallet that allows your web browser to connect with applications and interact with the blockchain. You can download and install the wallet at Metamask.io. Before installing we recommend considering purchasing a hardware wallet to secure your crypto. A hardware wallet like Trezor or Ledger will help keep your crypto safe. Find out more by reading our articles about How To Use Metamask Safely and Crypto Wallets.
After you have installed Metamask be sure to add the Avalanche C-Chain network details. This will allow Metamask to connect to and communicate with the Avalanche blockchain. -
Purchase AVAX
Now that you have a crypto wallet installed you will need to purchase AVAX tokens (the gas token for the Avalanche blockchain). Gas fees are the cost you must pay in order to complete any transaction on the block chain. On Avalanche these fees must be paid with AVAX the proprietary token. If you are familiar with purchasing crypto on an exchange you can purchase AVAX tokens there and send them to your Metamask wallet address. Our guide on how to purchase AVAX will show you step by step how you can purchase AVAX using the crypto.com app and transfer it to your wallet.
Avalanche Users Start From Here
The next step in the process is to exchange your AVAX for $JEWEL tokens. As mentioned above, Crystalvale was deployed on the DFK Chain sub-net. The DFK-chain uses $JEWEL as the gas token, and we must have $JEWEL in our wallet in order to pay for transactions on the chain. The first step is to swap AVAX for $JEWEL on Avalanche C-Chain and then bridge the $JEWEL over to our wallet on the DFK-Chain so that we can perform transactions once on the DFK-chain.
To swap your AVAX (or any other Avalanche C-Chain) tokens for $JEWEL you will need to head to the Pangolin Exchanage. Pangolin has a liquidity pool that will allow you to swap AVAX for $JEWEL tokens. The tokens are multi-chain $JEWEL which will then be bridged to the DFK Chain.
Talk to Snow Sage Ellia
Now that there are multi-chain $JEWEL tokens in your wallet, the next step is to head to the game website game.defikingdoms.com and speak with Snow Sage Ellia. The game has a built-in bridge and RPC adder to get you up and running quickly.
Click on Snow Sage Ellia’s name to speak with her. Click get started and in the pop up window choose the move JEWEL option.
In the pop-up choose Bridge JEWEL and the DFK bridge will open up in a new window. Keep both windows open. In the DFK bridge window make sure Avalanche C-Chain and multiJEWEL are selected. The destination should show Defi Kingdoms and JEWEL. Enter the amount of JEWEL you want to bridge and then click Approve Bridge. Approve the transaction in Metamask. (there should be 2 approvals required).
Once the transaction has completed you can close the bridge window. This will take you back to Sage Ellia.
Add DFK Chain to Metamask
To make this step easier the DFK dev’s have simplified the process of adding the DFK Chain RPC details to Metamask. In Sage Ellia’s window click on Travel to Crystalvale, this will send a trasnaction to Metamask to add the DFK Chain.
Confirm the transaction details match the screenshot below and allow the site to add the network. As long as the details match the screen shot you can ignore the warnings. You can also confirm the RPC details on game.defikingdoms.com docs, and Chainlist. Once added switch to the new network.
**Note: once you have added the network you will no longer be able to speak with sage Ellia to bridge tokens, you will either have to visit the bridge from the in-game World Map, or you can delete the chain from Metamask and then re-add.
Welcome to Crystalvale
Welcome to Crystalvale, you’ve official made it to the new kingdom. Take the time to explore the World Map and learn how to navigate the menus.
Crystalvale World Map
The World Map allows you to navigate Crystalvale Kingdom. Exploring all the areas is beyond the scope of this article, but feel free to read our Serendale Defi Kingdoms Guide which goes through all the critical areas and their functions.
How to Farm $CRYSTAL
At its heart the game is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX) that allows you to swap tokens. The tokens for these swaps are provided by players to the liquidity pools. As a liquidity provider you receive a portion of the exchange fees charged when someone uses the pool to swap tokens. To take part in the game you add liquidity to a pool by buying seeds. You can then stake your liquidity pool tokens by planting them in the the Crystalvale Gardens and earn CRYSTAL tokens in return. As you collect CRYSTAL you will be able to purchase hero NFT’s who can perform quests that offer in-game rewards that can be exchange for $JEWEL, CRYSTAL or USDC. Follow the steps below to use your bridged $JEWEL to begin farming CRYSTAL
Swap 50% of Your Tokens – The Market
The first step in adding liquidity is to head to the Market so that you can swap half of your JEWEL for one of the other token types (liquidity must be added to pools in a 50/50 ratio). Head to the Marketplace by clicking on the label on the World Map, or by using the drop down menu in the top right corner. Once at the Marketplace speak to the trader and a pop-up will open. You can then swap 50% of your $JEWEL for one of the other token types available. In our example we chose xJEWEL.
**NOTE: Plan to swap less than 50% of the $JEWEL in your wallet so that you keep some JEWEL for transaction fees.
Create Pool Seeds
Now that you have a token pair available we will deposit these tokens into one of Crystalvale’s liquidity pools. In DeFi Kingdoms adding liquidity to a pool is done by purchasing seeds. To do this, speak with the Druid in the Marketplace. A pop-up will open, select $JEWEL and the other Token you would like to add to the pool (xJEWEL in our example) and add them in equal ratios. It will automatically calculate the equivalent amounts for you based on the current value of the tokens. Click Supply and approve the transaction in Metamask
Plant Your Seeds
You have now deposited liquidity into one of the Crystalvale pools, but we also want to stake these liquidity tokens in order to earn CRYSTAL rewards. Staking in DeFi Kingdoms is done by depositing your seeds into the Gardens. Head to the Gardens using the menu or World Map. Once here click on the seed box. In the pop-up window click deposit beside your liquidity pair.
A new window will open where you can approve and deposit your tokens. -
Harvest Your rewards
With your seeds successfully planted you are now earning CRYSTAL. A portion of this CRYSTAL is locked in the protocol and a portion will be available to harvest. The locked CRYSTAL will unlock over time. To harvest your available CRYSTAL you simply head to the Gardens and click on Harvest and claim your rewards.
Conclusion – What to Do with Your CRYSTAL?
Now that you are earning CRYSTAL, the question is, what to do next? You have a couple of options but which one you choose really has to do with your goal.
Deposit Crystal with the Jeweler
If you’re looking to stack CRYSTAL, you can take your harvest rewards and deposit them with the Jeweler for xCRYTSAL. When you deposit tokens with the Jeweler you are staking them in the DFK Crystalvale protocol as a whole. In return you receive a portion of the profits on the whole ecosystem. xCRYSTAL increases in value over time as rewards accumulate. You continue to hold the same amount of xCRYSTAL, but its value versus CRYSTAL will increase. This is a low risk method of storing CRYSTAL will still getting a small return. This is less lucrative than re-depositing your returns into the gardens, but it removes the risk of impermanent loss.
Harvest and Re-invest
Harvesting and Re-investing will give you higher returns than depositing your CRYSTAL with the Jeweler. The APR’s on the gardens are significantly higher. That being said, re-investing your rewards opens you up to potential impermanent loss and locks a portion of your returns. To do this, simply harvest your returns, head to the Marketplace, swap 50% for a secondary token type and repeat the above process.
Taking Profits
Whether you stack CRYSTAL with the Jeweler to use in the game, or you re-invest to compounded your returns, you should always be thinking about how and when to take profits. Be sure to accumulate your returns in a safer token like USDC which is less subject to fluctuations.
Let us know if this guide helped you, are you playing DeFi Kingdoms, what are your thoughts? Tell us in the comments
Hi I’m Mike, an active crypto investor DeFi enthusiast and crypto miner. I have been involved in crypto since March of 2021 and in DeFi since May 2021.
I’m also an avid outdoor adventurer!